Frontier River Guides of Alaska

Contact US

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”


Frontier River Guides will promptly respond to all efforts to contact us regarding the guided Alaska fly fishing float trips that we specialize in. We exhibit 100% honesty and follow through in all aspects of presenting and providing our multi day raft fishing trips on world class Alaska rivers. If you select Frontier River Guides to conduct your trip, we will maintain contact with you right up to the trip date, in order to provide detailed pre-trip information and resources. We are happy to entertain any questions that you may have, and any details that that you may require, regarding guided fly fishing float trips in Alaska. Our emphasis on clear, straight up communication with people is a foundation of the Frontier River Guides way of operating and of keeping things enjoyable and up beat on the our Alaska raft fishing expeditions.

“The best time to go fly fishing is when you can get away”

–John D Voelker

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Preferred Resident Species - Check all that Apply
Preferred Salmon Species - Check all that apply
Preferred Fly Fishing Techniques - Check all that apply
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Frontier River Guides of Alaska